7 Signs You Need a New Roof: A Guide for Annapolis Homeowners

All homeowners know that they will eventually need to install a new roof, but most simply don’t want that moment to come. Roofs can be very expensive, so homeowners will typically look past a few issues with their roof. Unfortunately, this might only increase costs even further.

There are many signs you need a new roof. Some of these will be very direct, while some may be harder to realize. You should definitely try to be very aware of the changes that your home is going through so that you know when to replace your roof.

Here are 7 signs that you might need a new roof.

1. Time Has Passed

Even if you don’t notice any issues on your roof, time is very telling on how your roof can hold up over time. Even if you haven’t noticed that your roof is starting to falter, all roofs have a lifespan. If you’re getting up to this lifespan soon, you may want to replace your roof before you start to notice these problems.

For reference, the lifespan of a roof varies based on the roof material. An asphalt roof will only last 15 to 30 years, wood shingles will last about 20 years, and metal roofs can last over 50 years. Based on the type of roof you have, you may want to start looking into a replacement based on the last time you installed a roof.

There are ways that you can try to extend the lifespan of your roof. These strategies include cleaning your roof often and making repairs instantly.

2. Leaks

When you think of roof issues, your mind may immediately go to a leaky ceiling. This is a natural conclusion to make, and leaks are one of the biggest reasons people actually get their roof replaced.

Leaks in your home can be very dangerous to your home’s structural integrity and your health, so they should be dealt with immediately.

If you’re noticing that your home has leaked, this may be because shingles have fallen or broken and are letting water go through. While this may be fixed with a repair, it is also a sign that the shingles are weakening and getting more susceptible.

Be sure to regularly check for leaks in any attics that you have. Also, make sure that your walls do not have any sign of water damage, as this is one way that leaks often manifest themselves.

3. Animal Infestations

Roofs are not just there to keep the weather out, they also make sure that no creep critters can enter your home. If you’re noticing an abundance of pests like squirrels or rats in your home, there may just be a roofing issue.

Roofs with small holes in them may allow for these animals to crawl through and invade your home. This is especially true if you’re finding these animals in your attic. If this is a trend you’re noticing, check to see if your roof has any openings that these animals are exploiting.

4. Recent Hail

If your area has recently been hit with a hailstorm, the first thing you should worry about is your roof. Hail has a merciless impact on roofs, as it can often dent the roof and destroy various shingles, depending on the size of the hail itself.

If you’ve recently endured a hailstorm, be sure to get an inspector over right away. They will help you assess if the hail did enough damage to your home to need repairs or replacement. Hail can instantly compromise your roof’s strength, so be sure to stay on top of the situation.

5. Compromised Valleys

The valleys of your roof are the areas where snow and rain will fall and drain into your gutters. If you have noticed that the shingles on your valleys are faltering, this should be cause for alarm.

Your valleys are especially susceptible to allowing water through, which can contribute to leaking.

While simple repairs may sound like an option, a compromised valley can often be ruined by a few heavy rainfalls. The water will seep into the valley and will damage your ceiling inside your home. If your valley is compromised and not immediately fixed, a new roof will definitely be in order.

6. Damaged Flashing

Flashing is the section of your roof where different angles are connected, such as your chimney to your main roof area. Flashing is very important as these angles are especially susceptible to rainwater or other types of leaks. If your flashing has been damaged, you may want to consider a new roof.

When installing new flashing, consider looking to more permanent solutions such as metal. Metal is not as susceptible to long-term damage and will be effective in shoring up these difficult angles. Replacing flashing can be key when getting a new roof.

7. Curling or Damaged Shingles

The most noticeable and obvious signs you need a new roof is damage to the shingles themselves. There are many ways you can detect this damage. One very visual hint is the curling of the shingles, where the shingles will curve up to expose more of the lower roof after difficult weather.

The shingles may also start to decay and lose their material. If you notice pieces of shingle in your gutter, it is probably because your shingles are starting to break away. When you do notice this, you’ll want to start thinking of a new roof.

Once one shingle begins to break down, the others quickly follow.

What To Do Once You See the Signs You Need a New Roof

Once you notice any of these signs you need a new roof, you have two options: repair, or replace. While roof repair may seem like a better, cheaper option, constant roof repairs can be increasingly expensive. And, at the end of it all, you’ll eventually need a new roof anyway.

Once you’ve decided on roof replacement, be sure to look to the very best professionals to carry it out. Your roof is arguably the most important aspect of your home, so make sure it’s installed right.

Contact us for professional roof installment or for any of your home’s exterior needs.

Roofing Contractor Prince Frederick, MD